Over the past year it’s been really challenging for me to be the resilient person I’ve been known to be. I’ve had some serious lows and I’ve wondered what has God been up to. Is He just sitting around watching and waiting for me to “really” relinquish everything over to Him? Am I still trying to be in control of all things? I’m learning that I have to endure; persevere during various times in my life…so I must learn to do it gracefully. Life in itself has highs and lows and as a believer, depending on what level you’re willing to allow God to take you, it can get really tough at times. I believe God could use me in so many ways to uplift His kingdom. But I get caught up in how I feel, why something is not going the way I want it to or what someone is going to say or think. When in actuality, all I should be be concerned about is God and leave the results to Him. I will set out to do something, then I would get discouraged because of what someone said. When in all honesty, the only thing that matter is what God says. I believe I’ve been listening to the wrong voice; the voice of fear or maybe the voice of doubt; the voice of hatred or maybe the voice of envy; the voice of lies or maybe the voice of pity. But now, right now, in this very moment I’m choosing to suck it up and keep on moving. Why? Because now I choose to listen to the Word of God. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I have the courage to do what God is calling me to do, I am loved, I am whole, I am fit, I am bold, I can and I will. Maybe not in my timing but in God’s timing!
**This blog is from my Wordpress site