Honorable in principles, intentions and actions…is this you? Wanting to do what is right and actually doing what is right is not the same thing. Intentions are empty when not acted upon.
Do what you say and do agree with each other; do they line up?
When we are faced with difficult choices, at first it may be challenging to make the right decision. The reason is because more often times our flesh is used to getting its way and that makes it much harder to resist being tempted to do wrong. I have this saying around the house, “an unsaved person knows right from wrong”. Meaning being honest is a learned behavior, a moral; value. Honesty will sometimes look like a mistake. You may or may not get your desired results but still trust GOD with the outcome. What have you been struggling with? What have you been trying to decide if you should or shouldn’t do? As with David (2 Samuel 11, 12), he didn’t count up the cost of his decision to have Uriah killed. Truth be told, sometimes we don’t count up the cost of our decisions either. We do what pleases us and deal with the consequences later, regretfully. Furthermore, he thought he would get away with it and no one would find out. God knew…He sees all. He sent Nathan to be honest with David and tell him the truth about himself no matter how painful it was. But what I like about this story is that David owned his dishonesty (sin) and repented. There were consequences and he did lose a child but God restored him with another one. That’s great news, GOD will restore!
**This blog is from my Wordpress site